The Republic of Cascadia is currently what is today known as British Columbia and the Yukon of the British commonwealth, Canada if separated its land mass would be 1,427,178 square Km with a population around 4.5 million and a GDP of over 250 billion. The Republic of Cascadia would not have provinces like B.C or Yukon their instead could be administrative regions like this for example.
This new nation would be ran by the people, for the people by having a Direct Democracy the people would call for and approve the laws the country would be ran by a national council of delegates voted in from there administrative regions.There would be no political party's the people would be voted in on there background, skills and experience not by what party had chosen them the lead. The job would not be to make laws and dictate, but to make sure their region is ran correctly, if the people are not content with their delegate's job they can choose to vote them out without needing to wait for an election.
There are also many Resources in Cascadia that are being purposely undeveloped so it can hold back Cascadia from standing on its feet and what resources that are developed there profits go over seas and to Ottawa with very little staying in the area they were produced. We could keep cost of goods lower by making gasoline cheaper by refining ourselves not importing foreign oil, provide cheap or even free power to the Nation by building more Hydro, Wave, Wind and Solar power stations also provide many people with job's that are currant nation refuses to do. This new Nation would be smart with its resources unlike the currant politicians who are clouded by greed the goal of are Nation would be becoming a wealthy, self dependent nation not relying on handouts of foreign governments, bankster's and the IMF.
Rights and Freedoms may never be restricted in this new Nation Individual Rights and Freedoms will be the most important thing of all, government should respect privacy but almost all do not. Privacy needs to be truly a right, If someone is not harming or endangering the public or there property and belongings there should be no reason for the police or government to invade privacy spy and dictate how people should live. Is what we are currently living even truly democracy how can you say "voting" the person in that tells you how to live your life is freedom we need a true say in the matter, a Nation I can call my own with truly undeniable Freedom not the currant illusion we live in today.
Pleas join us become a Cascadian fight for your land and one day we will be free from the global tyranny that awaits us all, Thank you and look us up at Facebook
Republic of Cascadia Facebook
Free Cascadia Project Facebook
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