Friday, 14 December 2012

Gun Control is Genocide

With all the talk in the media about gun control we want you to please watch this video!

Cascadian Constitution

    The Republic of Cascadia will need a Constitution it will need to be the best one in the world with the freedom and rights of the people guaranteed as long as The Republic is standing. No law should ever be made to restrict the peoples rights and freedoms given in the Constitution and any politician who wants or try's to take any rights away should be immediately removed from there position and jailed if need be. Rights and freedoms included in the Constitution for example should be freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of thought, freedom of belief, freedom of expression, freedom of the press and of other media of communication, freedom of peaceful assembly, and freedom of association also right to life, liberty, and security of the person, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, freedom from arbitrary detention or imprisonment, right to legal counsel and the guarantee of habeas corpus, rights in criminal and penal matters such as the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, right not to be subject to cruel and unusual punishment, rights against self-incrimination and most of all the right to privacy and the undeniable Constitutional right to Arm and defend yourselves.We need a true nation for the people by the people not the commonwealth dictatorship we have today in Canada we must be truly free and the only way is to join together and liberate The Republic Cascadia.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

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